Unique: A Disabled Perspective Logo. 9 small squares making up a large square. 8 small green squares are in the correct position, while one is purple and out of place. The title of the exhibition is in purple text on top of the square.

The Unique: A Disabled Perspective Exhibition was launched by Provost Linda Doyle on the 28th of November 2022 as part of Disability Week. This exhibition showcased the art and poetry of students with disabilities in Trinity and was a collaboration between the Trinity Ability co_op and TCDSU.

You can find out more and view the exhibition on the project page.

  • Provost Linda Doyle, Ross Coleman, Ben Rowsome and Gale Aitken launching the exhibition.
  • Clippings of words and letters from newspapers are arranged into text with phrases like “but you don’t look disabled”, “have you tried yoga?”, “you’re not like my disabled kid”, “but you’re so young” and “what happened to you”. The background has many colors from pastels, mixed and blending into each other.
  • Two portrait digital art pieces. On the left, a blue ceramic bowl of oranges with green leaves. This sits on a blue podium, where one orange sits on its own. The background is a light cream shade. On the right, a close up of the same image. The single orange on the podium takes the focus as it is bruised, textured and discoloured. Behind it, the blue bowl is visibly damaged with scratches, missing paint and bumps.
  • Braided silver wire is circled into a basket shape. The left side is finished and woven together with ribbon, while the right side is stretched, misshapen and gapping. The very end of the wire at the top begins to unravel and the edges are left sharp.
  • Pictured is marker and ink-pen, art piece showing two girls dancing. 
They are shaded in three shades of turquoise and the original pencil lines are still visible. 
The two figures' are staniding with their backs to one another. 
Both girls have one arm raised upwards and  one arm extended towards the ground. 
The girls hands are almost touching.
They are both wearing a tank top and loose trousers with hair that comes down to their shoulders. One girl is heavily in shadows with her hair covering her face as she extends one arm up and one leg back in a pose similar to a ballet dancer.
The second girl is leaning back with herv face looking upwards, she is the majority of her weight on her  left leg while raising the left arm.
  • Pictured is large canvas covered in purple swirls. The swirls alter form dark purple to light purple and are  almost psychedelic in nature . Painted onto the canvas is a a distorted face comprised of black and white lines and swirls. The face has a white center while the edges, lips, eyes and nose  are defined by the black and white swirling pattern.