Disabilities and chronic illnesses can sometimes be just as invisible to yourself as to others. It took me a long time to learn how my disabilities were impacting my life. The everyday effects are usually not what doctors tell you… Continue Reading →
The Trinity ability co-op is working in partnership with the Foundation Scholarship committee to make Scholarship exams more inclusive. This comes at the foot of the Foundation Scholarship Survey which was sent out last term. The Survey showed that most… Continue Reading →
The official launch of the Unique: A Disabled Perspective, Disability Art and Poetry Exhibition took place in An Mheitheal, Printing House Square, on Tuesday, 29th November 2022. The exhibition was successfully launched by Provost Linda Doyle. There were also guest… Continue Reading →
The Unique: A Disabled Perspective Exhibition was launched by Provost Linda Doyle on the 28th of November 2022 as part of Disability Week. This exhibition showcased the art and poetry of students with disabilities in Trinity and was a collaboration… Continue Reading →
Click on Download SUSI Review (Word Document) to read the article, Trinity Ability co_op’s submission to the Students Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) Review 2021.
Participation in sports has many benefits, including physical benefits such as improving cardiovascular health and stamina, reducing stress levels, and improving sleep. Depending on the sport you are doing, you can also improve certain skills such as speed, accuracy, flexibility,… Continue Reading →
My name is Scott Byrne and this summer I was extremely fortunate to be a member of the Washington Ireland Program (WIP) Class of 2021. The Washington Ireland Program is quite a unique program, selecting students from across the island… Continue Reading →
Click on Download Document (Word Document) to read this story, Please Don’t Hurt Her by Lorna Brown.
Unique: A Disabled Perspective (our art and poetry exhibition, in collaboration with the SU) will be taking place on Tuesday the 29th of November at 7 pm. Be sure to get your tickets on Eventbrite. The event will be launched by Provost Linda Doyle and… Continue Reading →
When I began to think about it I found that there were a number of similarities between my “disability” and being LGBT+. I have anxiety and a panic disorder, and that is the first similarity, it is a hidden disability…. Continue Reading →