Members of the Trinity Ability co_op are:

  • Undergraduate or postgraduate students in Trinity College Dublin.
  • Those who identify as disabled/a person with a disability, d/Deaf, or Neurodivergent.

Register your interest through our Interest form for Ability Co_op.

How can I get involved?

Join a subcommittee for Michaelmas Term! Unofficial Guide to Trinity subcommittee form.

An Unofficial Guide to Trinity

An Unofficial Guide to Trinity

This project aims to create a digital resource where students with disabilities can submit their experience of Trinity as a disabled person. They can also post tips and blog posts for other students to read.

Possible roles (just ideas!):

  • Project lead
  • Contribution of ideas and feedback
  • Social media
  • Research

All members are welcome to develop project ideas and lead subcommittees. Come along to one of our meetings. Our meetings are held in An Mheitheal, Printing House Square. Feel free to email [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions.

How to get to Printing House Square