Complete the Inclusive Student Life Checklist to find out how you can improve your organisations accessibility and inclusivity to disabled students.

How can I use the Inclusive Student Life Checklist?

  1. Complete the checklist.
  2. Review the feedback solutions (sent to your email and available below).
  3. Discuss with your committee members and identify action points.
  4. Implement changes.
  5. Complete the checklist again to show improvements.
Do you have plans
and procedures that
ensure access to your
events, resources,
and activities for
disabled students?
We have a clear procedure for responding to accessibility requirements and ensuring that all students have access to our resources and activities.We do not have a procedure for this, it is unclear whose responsibility accessibility requests are or what steps need to be taken to ensure that they are responded to.Check out the Trinity Inclusive Student Life Guidelines for information on how to make your events, resources and activities inclusive to disabled students.
Are you familiar with the Trinity Accessible Information Policy and Equality Policy?We follow the Trinity Accessible Information Policy and Equality Policy when planning activities.We do not follow the Trinity Accessible Information Policy and Equality Policy when planning our activities.Read through the Accessible Information Policy and the Equality Policy. Discuss the key points with your committee and create a plan for implementing them.
Do your events and activities take place in accessible spaces? Trinity Physical Access CheckerWe ensure that our events take place in spaces that are fully accessible.Our events are hosted in spaces that are not accessible or partially accessible. We do not always ensure accessibility is prioritised when booking spacesConsider physical access from the beginning stages of planning an event. Check out the Trinity Inclusive Student Life Guidelines or this video on planning an inclusive event.
Have your committee members attended a Disability Awareness Workshop with the Trinity Ability co_op. Multiple members have attended Disability Awareness Training or met with the Trinity Ability Co_op.We have not attended Disability Awareness Training or met with the Trinity Ability Co_op.Disabled students in the Trinity Ability Co_op have been equipped to deliver trainings to clubs, societies, SUs and publications. Reach out to them at [email protected] for more information or complete the workshop request form.
Does your event promotion and social media information contain a statement about accessibility and requesting accommodation for people with disabilities?We use the Trinity Accessibility Statement Generator to share the accessibility of our events.We do not have a statement about accommodation requests. We have not used the Trinity Accessibility Statement Generator.Use the Trinity Accessibility Statement Generator to share the accessibility of your events and activities.
Are all committee/team members familiar with the availability and the use of the Irish Sign Language Interpreters, captioning/transcription on and alternate accessible document formats?The process of asking for accommodations and delivering on them, such as booking an ISL interpreter or providing alternative document formats is part of handover training.Committee members are not provided with information.Find out more in the guidelines or in the Trinity Accessible Information Policy.

Do you have an officer responsible for accessibility and/or inclusion?
We have a position focusing Most/all committee Check out the Towards Inclusive
for accessibility and/or inclusion? on accessibility and/or inclusion with a clear and defined role who works alongside all other officers.
Most/all committee members are unfamiliar with accessibility.Having an accessibility or inclusivity officer means that members with disabilities have a point of contact in the organisation. Make sure that people are aware of this role and how to get in touch with them throughout the year.
Is your social media accessible? Check out some Social Media Accessibility Tips if you are unsure. Our social media is accessible. The committee member who manages our social media is familiar with accessibility features and updates like captioning and alternative text.The committee member who manages our social media is unfamiliar with accessibility features or does not implement them in every post.Check out the Trinity Inclusive Student Life Guidelines for information on social media accessibility.

General things to consider:

– Use of alt text on social media images.
– Captions on videos.
– Using high contrast colours and sans-serif fonts in graphics.

Are your publications and documents accessible? Check out Trinity INC’s Accessibility Tips if you are unsure. 
Our publications documents like PowerPoints, printouts and PDFs or websites are in accessible formats and available in alternative formats upon request.Our publications documents like PowerPoints, printouts and PDFs are not in accessible formats.Check out the Trinity Inclusive Student Life Guidelines for information on publication/document accessibility.

General things to consider:

– Using heading styles in documents.
– Ensure that PDFs are tagged.
– Using alt-text on documents and websites.
– Complying to web accessibility standards