The Trinity Ability Co_op is pleased to announce that we will be receiving €4800 from the Trinity Trust Special Fund to work towards making Trinity Clubs and Societies inclusive to students with disabilities. This project will be called Towards Inclusive Clubs and Societies. We look forward to working with Trinity Clubs, Societies and Unions to achieve better social inclusion in Trinity by doing the following:

1) Inclusive Checklist.
We will create a checklist for making student organisations welcoming and accessible. It will identify some of the issues of accessibility and inclusion that may exist in Clubs and Societies.

2) Inclusivity and Accessibility guidelines for Clubs and Societies.
We will develop these guidelines to support the development of inclusive and accessible Clubs and Societies.

3) Disability Awareness Training.
We will develop and provide disability awareness training for all Clubs and Societies that will be designed to support the roll of the inclusivity checklist and guidelines.
The training will be delivered by trained experts by experience with disabilities.

What do students with disabilities say about clubs and societies?

“Most are unwilling and unresponsive to disabled voices talking about their concerns and are seen as a nuisance.”

“The majority of societies and clubs are not accessible and little to no effort is made to make them accessible, it made me feel really lonely and excluded when I started my course.”